Thursday, November 12, 2020

      Plan for the week of November 16th, 2020

Hello parents,
           It's Thanksgiving time! it's the time to save our turkey! I am sending a turkey home in the folder. Please make sure to disguise the turkey in such a way that it should not be eaten! Use different materials to disguise the turkey so that it is attractive! First three best would be mentioned on the blog along with the picture of the turkey the child saved. Have fun doing the activity with the children!  The decorated turkey is due next Thursday, November 19th, 2020.


Samples of disguised turkeys. 

         The Thanksgiving holidays are from Monday, November 23rd, 2020 to Friday, November 27th, 2020. The school building will remain closed on Thurs. and Fri, November 26th and 27th, 2020. Please note.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you,
Miss Jayshree

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